Wednesday, March 17, 2004

MicroSoft and HighDef
Like everyone else in the world I'm not the biggest fan. But I have to admit that WMVHD (and WMV 9) is soooo cool. There are still only one option for HD with PPro and that's the Bluefish444 solution.

When DeckLink releases the same hardware at a fraction of the cost HD will be a viable alternative and WMVHD is the greatest distribution option ever. Period. WMVHD has just bean announced as a part of future dvdspecs by DVDforum and that means WMVHD is going to playback in future HD-DVD set top players and a lot of other home entertainment products.

Check it out at
Exporting WMVHD from the timeline in PPro is actually a dream come true. The presets produces stunning results.

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