Wednesday, March 17, 2004

About this blog
In 1999 Apple introduced Final Cut Pro - a software they aquired from Macromedia developed by the team behind the original Premiere. In 2003 Adobe introduced Premiere Pro as a new competitor on the mid range pro market. I decided to publish this blog to keep track of everything that happens to the two competitors. I'll be keeping my eye out for updates, third party software and everything hardware related.

So who am I? I'm a 33 year old Swede that has been working in the broadcast and feature film industry for fourteen years. I've been running my own production company for ten years and I mainly work as an editor, director of photography and director. I've done lots and lots of music videos and I'm currently working on my third feature film. I jumped onboard the desktop DV revolution back in '97. I've been on Macs since I was a teen and Digital Origin's EditDV was my first FireWire NLE. I started on Avids back in '92. When the original Premiere developer moved to Macromedia I kept my eyes open for the new super cool tool (Premiere Mark II) called Final Cut that would hit the market soon. Apple aquired Final Cut and released it as Final Cut Pro and I was with it from day one. I soon bought one of the FCP hardware tools for uncompressed editing - Aurora Video Systems Igniter. I've loved FCP (and still do) but the introduction of OSX and version 4 of the software simply leaves a lot to be desired so when Adobe announced a completely rewritten Premiere version I just had to download the trial and try it out. And it did everything I expected - frankly I didn't have very high hopes after a few encounters with the earlier versions of Premiere - and a lot more! On the other hand Apple has always pushed things forward. Desktop Video would not have been where it is today without Apple.

I also feel there is a lack of good websites covering whats happening to Premiere Pro. There are an infinite number covering Final Cut Pro. That's part of the reason I'm posting this blog.

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