Monday, July 02, 2007

Premiere Pro on the Mac

Well...I couldn't tell you. I use Macs all day and I don't like them one bit. Too much bling-bling, candy colored buttons, metallic interfaces, glossy menus and other distractingly ugly things for my eyes - and no - I'm not running Vista yet - I'm still on XP for my main post work.

I have a hard time believing Premiere Pro CS3 will pull any users from the FCP crowd. They are hooked on Apple Evangelism (I used to be one of them) and is simply not ready to try something not connected with an Apple logo. Instead I believe Adobe has got a good chance with the new media crowd that works a lot in Flash.

Here's one of the first CS3 reviews over at Studio Daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.