Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Format wars!

I predict an uneven battle between HDV and DVCPRO HD in the coming two or three years on the below $10K systems. And I predict HDV will win. Looking at the release of FCP4 I cant stop to think that Apple underestimated the HDV craze that's going on right now. There's nothing wrong with editing DVCPRO HD over FireWire. But the format do have one gigantic flaw that pulls the rug under Apples marketing feets here in Europe (and in places like Australia)...DVCPRO HD is a 30p format running on 29,97 clock. There is no possibility to edit DVCPRO HD in 25p in the 50Hz world and integrate it into a regular post production workflow. My suggestion is that Apple stops marketing DVCPRO HD and FCP HD in PAL countries until they have integrated HDV in the workflow (Hey, FCP has been HD since version 1.5). It's a waste of time and money and resources and the users have better things to do than discover the truth the hard way... HDV however has no problem anywhere in the world. It's 25p as well as 30p.

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